Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Stand up and take a bow!

The strangest thing happened this morning. On the commute this morning I decided to finish off my sock-in-progress. I only had two more rows of decreases left. With that done, I whipped out my sewing needle and grafted the toes together. As the last sock came off the last needle, I looked up and noticed EVERYONE watching me. One person started to applaud and everyone else joined in. Apparently, most of these people have watched me knit almost everyday but they had never seen the finishing. Usually I do that at home.

Too funny!


  1. That is so funny! It must have made you feel pretty good.

  2. That's brilliant. I love knitting on transit. There is always a little kid who stares at you like your making magic. Always makes me smile.

  3. That is the cutest story! It's true; finishing on transit isn't the easiest of tasks. I bet everyone's been eager to see something for so long.
