Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Summer stuff

Other than winning a zillion $$ lottery, having three weeks off in the summer and a new LYS opening soon (if not today) is right up there under PERFECTION!

I finished spinning the yarn for my Ribwarmer for the Knitting Olympics. Whee! I'm hoping that I will have enough yarn for it. *cross fingers & toes*

It was a last minute decision as to what "event" I was going to do. My first thought was the shawl but realistically, I knew it was not going to be likely. I completely lost track of my days & thought the Olympics started 2 Fridays ago & thought I missed it. It turned out that it was only last Friday. With the yarn finally spun, I can cast on today. A few days after the Opening but better late than never, right? Despite the rough start, I think I might have a chance in finishing.

No plans for my vacation except to knit, spin, weave, & play WoW. I'm a little glad we don't have any set plans. Originally, we thought about going back east to the land of giant mosquitoes. Attending a school reunion with a bunch of people I've never met or will ever see again. And the worse part of it is CAMPING. That's the reunion. Honestly, I am just not the camping type. Been once (and I was told it wasn't real camping) and I almost had to kill people.


  1. how pretty!! I want yarn that looks that colour :)

  2. Anonymous5:34 pm

    Lovely yarn! It'll be a gorgeous ribwarmer.

    Three weeks off with fibre, the perfect vacation! Are you going to Gibson's this year? It's my first year and I'm over the moon excited. :)
